Graphene,the new material will change the world in the century 21 due to the properties of excellent electrical performance,guide performance and mechanical performance,etc.indurstries like lithium battery,super capacitor,the chip materials,ultra-thin lightweight materials,Heat dissipation material,flexible touch panel,the micro sensoretc will benefit from the new made a great breakthrough in the lighting suspension,even open the door to the industry of aerospace's amazing achievement to make people impressive,so are we close to the time of graphene?
Graphene has grown up for less than 10 years,in the 2010,it was recognised by people.but actually it is just the basic concepts,it will have a long way in practical application.
So let's check out the significant progress of graphene for these years:
First at the earliest,the scientists of IBM made the integrated circuit(which is made of graphene wafers) successfully.but the improvement takes logn time,it refers to the problem alloy matching and etching process.
then graphene lighting suspension becomes a reality and the prospect is very broad.but now it's still in the seeking,not in practical application,so futur the practical application of graphene.
Lately,let's talk about the graphene applications in the lithium battery and super capacitor,many research institutions has shown the application progress successfully.through it's still in the laboratory,we can look forward to the big change.
So we get a conclusion,"Revolution has not yet been successful, comrades still need diligently".