
Graphite Powder-The Application In New Energy Battery

Now the number of cars are increasing,gasoline price is more higher as followed.so people are starting to develop new energy vehicles instead of burning gasoline cars.a new energy battery can provide power for new energy vehicle,and in the new energy battery,graphite powder in the innovation of new energy car battery,which can speed up the new energy battery cars into the market fast.
Graphite powder is an important material in the new energy battery,but now the new energy vehicles have not reached practical purpose,they can only run within a short distance.Now researchers are researching new energy battery,which can make new energy cars more practical.In the new energy battery,the graphite powder is an important part because graphite powder has good electrical conductivity.graphite powder in the battery can be made into graphite conductive films,graphite anode materials and graphite conductive liquid,etc.Because the graphite powder has good electrical conductivity,the graphite powder has advantages of fast charging and discharging speed,big storage capacity etc in the battery.Now we has successfully trial-produced new energy car battery,which can be full of electricity in 15 minutes,the travel time and distance also has greatly improved.
The application and research of Graphite powder in new energy battery will continues,because there are many areas needed to improve.Graphite powder needs required further research and development,then the performance of battery that graphite powder further reforms. 

