
To Participate In The Finals Of The New Materials Industry 2015

The fourth Innovation entrepreneurship competition has began in april of 2015 in the country,more than 27000 projects make it larger than the history.after preliminary contest and quarter-final,7.23 XRD GraphiteManufacturing Co.,Ltd joined the final of Pingdingshan division includes 17 competitors.due to the exquisitely prepared and our own right,we won the first place and took part in the national finals as the representative of Pingdingshan division.the national finals has 158 companies and 35 teams all.
less two months before the national finals,contestants of XRD Graphite Manufacturing Co.,Ltd has prepared carefully,thought over and over again,9.14 the national finals began.in three days of the finals,12 companies and 6 teams will win.
Elite people gathered in the national finals,new technology and new viewpoint has become the most notable highlight.the project leaders of the companies and teams spoke out freely.the manager of XRD Graphite Manufacturing Co.,Ltd,zhaodongdong introduced the new projects in more details,which is recognized by the judges.
Every innovation enterprise is a worthy of respect and we are on the way always!

The Performance And Application Of Graphite Rod

