Graphite powder price has an important impact on rubber and plastic industry,scientific research and the chemical industry,because many processes of these industries need the graphite powder,so,what does graphite powder price will change in the 2015?
Under the circumstances of new energy development from the time,flake graphite,which is with its the advantages of no pollution,environmental protection has been applied in more and more industries,it is bound to affect graphite powder price in 2015,graphite powder price of our analysis is based on the following four points:
1、the development of the lithium battery industry
The next few years,the demands of mobile phones,computers,electric vehicles,electric cars will continue to grow,it requires a lot of lithium battery as a power source,and graphite powder is as the cathode of lithium battery,the demand of graphite powder will increase greatly,then graphite powder industry will have a rapid development.
2、non-renewable of the flake graphite resources
This feature can lead to decreased,When a thing is rare,it becomes the price of flake graphite is expected to be toward a better direction.
3、The application of graphite powder for sealing
Now colloidal graphite powder which is made of flake graphite in sealing industry's has advantages,which is with stable chemical performance,it can seal to continue for a long time,that gradually replaced the conservative sealing products.
4、updates of national defense science and technology
the electromagnetic interference ability and excellent conductivity of Graphite powder makes it more important in the electronic fight,inaddition,it has been widely used in the field of its Aviation field with high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance and other performance.
that's the factors that will influence the Graphite Powder Price.
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